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About Us
Shenzhen Yuetian Micro Technology Co., Ltd. is the most professional manufacturer and seller of electronic components and electronic supporting products. With professional production technology, stable and reliable quality, complete specifications and perfect service system, it has become the designated product of many well-known enterprises. supplier. Products are exported to the Middle East, Europe and the United States and other parts of the world. All products of the company have passed CQC, CCC, UL, VDE, CSA, TUV, CE, SGS and other certifications. Our aim: to survive by quality, to develop by service. Our goal is to extend your every expectation and expect to be your long-term partner, just like our existing clients. When you have such a need, don't hesitate, we will invest our time, knowledge and money to build an ideal electronic component solution to meet your needs, allowing you to maintain an absolute advantage over your competitors. Committed to providing high-quality, low-cost products and related supporting services for the electronics industry at home and abroad. We look forward to your inquiries, cooperation, and create brilliant.
Company Introduction